Our theme this term is ‘Hei Mr Urdd’. Our spark will be a visit from Mr Urdd followed by a letter to ask for the children’s help to organise a party. We will be using ‘pupil voice’ to plan the activities leading up to the party. The activities will provide a variety of indoor and outdoor cross curricular experiences for the children.
Within our mathematical activities we will be looking at number, money, shape, pattern, measure and position.
Our language focus will be to develop language patterns through daily ‘Cynllun Clonc’ sessions and to recognise, blend and segment sounds in our ‘Tric a Chlic’ sessions.
P.E. is on Friday. Could you please send your child’s kit (shorts/joggers/leggings and t-shirt) in a bag, ensuring that their name is on all clothing.
Here is the link to HWB. Every child will recieve their username and password to take home. We use Just2Easy to teach coding, creating pictures, animation, creating graphs etc.